Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

33 Episodes

Kundalini Yoga is a magical science that uses sound, mantra, energy healing, exercises and meditations to release trauma from the energetic body, which surrounds the physical body. It is physically awakening, yet allows all the tension to drop off you as you enter into a very deep savasana (relaxation).

In each class we open with 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo'. This allows us to tune into the creative source within us and all those teachers before us. It is referred to as 'The Golden Chain'. We close class with 'Sat Nam'. Here we allow ourselves to honor the truth within each of us.

In Joy, Dawn

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Kundalini Yoga
  • Feel to Flow

    This class is all about freeing up the hips. You may pause or modify but don't quit. Stay steady on the chant to direct the mind and move creatively to where you want to go!
    PAUSE AS MUCH AS YOU NEED...take a few breaths and begin again when you feel ready. It is about moving freely within the b...

  • Empowerment

    We make decisions all day. Life's choices place you in the past, present, or future. This class we practice the pause. It is here you allow yourself to feel the present moment. When you create space for this you will begin to direct your life to where and how you want to feel and be ~ Growth!

  • Love & Compassion

    Time to get into our practice – to love. It will feel cleansing we go deep into the physical body, our emotions, and the ego to move us in the rhythm of our hearts. You will feel your heart vibration, radiance, and life!!! When you begin to move more from a space of love you may feel some incredi...

  • Speak Your Truth

    Today's class we move with Sat Nam which means truth is my name, identity, and essence. Allow yourself to find that space where you are strong, mobile, and speaking clearly. This class connects your willpower and truth.
    PAUSE AS MUCH AS YOU NEED...take a few breaths and begin again when you feel...

  • Clearly See

    This class begins with a breath/meditation exercise to strengthen our intuition. It allows us to let go of the chatter that pulls us away from our inner wisdom. We move our voice with Sat Nam Wahe Guru. Truth is my name and I open to the magical lessons in life.
    PAUSE AS MUCH AS YOU NEED...take ...

  • Repair the Nervous System - All Level

    The three func­tions of the ner­vous sys­tem include sen­sory func­tions, Inte­gra­tive func­tions and Motor func­tions. These func­tions together keep us in touch with our envi­ron­ments, main­tains home­osta­sis and accounts for thought, learn­ing, and memory.

    So why do you need to know all t...

  • Sadhana

    The word “Sadhana” in Sanskrit means “an effort exercised towards the achievement of a purpose.” In this sense, every effort is some kind of Sadhana, because it leads to the achievement of some intended goal. This class will drop you into an intentional practice with each word you speak, breath y...

  • Total Tune In - Level 1/2

    This class is challenging. It builds endurance, strength, and stamina. When life is feeling heavy, cleanse the mind by tuning into what you can do. MOVE. Do the best you can, but don't quit. You got this!
    *Options are offered to modify, however you must be able to go on your hands and knees.

  • Stimulate & Adjust - Level 1/2

    This class allows us to get the blood circulation moving. If you ever feel foggy, stagnant, or stuck in the mind - this is the class for you! Move the body to move the mind is what my teacher always says. This is your practice so pause and modify when needed. You are the teacher in your life - Sa...